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Fibromyalgia Specialist

Texas Pain Intervention Clinic

Ankit Maheshwari, MD

Interventional Pain Management located in McKinney, TX

If you experience generalized body pain and ongoing fatigue, fibromyalgia might be the culprit. At Texas Pain Intervention Clinic in McKinney, Texas, interventional pain management physician Ankit Maheshwari, MD, and his experienced team diagnose and treat fibromyalgia. Their goal is to help you live a pain-free life. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.

Fibromyalgia Q&A

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is chronic (ongoing) and is characterized by widespread pain and fatigue. The condition can affect the way your spinal cord and brain process pain signals. Fibromyalgia symptoms can appear after surgery, other kinds of trauma like an injury, infections, or psychological stress.

While there’s no cure for fibromyalgia, pain-management treatments can ease the pain, helping you feel better.

What are common fibromyalgia symptoms?

Common symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  • Chronic (ongoing) fatigue
  • Widespread pain
  • Generalized body pain
  • Dull, aching pain
  • Full-body pain
  • Problems concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping

Fibromyalgia often shows up with other conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headaches or migraines, painful bladder syndrome, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, and emotional illnesses like depression and anxiety.

What are the risk factors for fibromyalgia?

While anyone can experience fibromyalgia, certain things increase your risk of having it. Women are more likely than men to develop fibromyalgia. It tends to run in families. Infections or other illnesses, as well as emotional and physical events, can aggravate or trigger fibromyalgia. If you have arthritis, your risk of getting fibromyalgia increases.

How does my doctor diagnose fibromyalgia?

To diagnose fibromyalgia and develop an effective treatment, Dr. Maheshwari reviews your medical history, asks you questions about your symptoms, and completes a physical exam. He could recommend that you undergo blood tests to detect or rule out conditions with symptoms similar to fibromyalgia.

What are common fibromyalgia treatments?

Your Texas Pain Intervention Clinic specialist will recommend one or more of the following to treat your fibromyalgia:

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle habits can reduce the ongoing pain of fibromyalgia. Habits that can ease your pain include managing stress, getting a better night’s sleep, exercising regularly, and eating healthy foods. Not smoking, limiting your caffeine intake, and receiving counseling to manage depression, anxiety, and other mental health struggles can also help.


Several noninvasive therapies can reduce fibromyalgia pain. These include physical therapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling to help you develop ways to better cope with fibromyalgia pain.

Ketamine infusions

Ketamine is a pain-relieving medicine that Dr. Maheshwari can inject directly into your bloodstream to help you feel comfortable. This medication interacts with targeted receptors in your brain.

Oral medications

Taking oral medications can also relieve fibromyalgia pain, helping you to sleep better.

Don’t live with the severe, ongoing pain of fibromyalgia when simple treatments are within reach at Texas Pain Intervention Clinic. Call the office to book an appointment or request one online today.